Streamline your leasing process

Approve high-quality renters in hours, not days, with Renter SmartMatch™.

Explore Intellirent's Leasing Tools
Tenant Screening and Rental Advertising by Intellirent

Renter SmartMatch™ is the new way to do leasing

Leverage technology to eliminate time-wasting from your leasing process and fill vacancies in half the time.
Advertise Your Vacancies-1
Customized Online Application-2
Renter Resumes-1
Compare Renter Resumes-1

Renter SmartMatch™ eliminates friction to help you…

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Cut manual busywork out of the leasing process so you can focus on meaningful human interactions.

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Gather the correct information and complete application processing in minutes.

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Choose the most qualified renter before the competition does. High-quality renters won’t wait around for approval.

Vacancies are expensive & approving bad renters costs even more

By streamlining the leasing process, you can quickly approve the most-qualified applicant. This frees you up to focus on helping renters and growing the business.

The Traditional Leasing Process is Full of Friction


Intellirent's Leasing Process is Fast and Effective


Speed to Qualification CTA
Group 119

"One of the most time-consuming aspects of tenant screening is the back and forth. The form was incorrectly filled out, or information is missing. Partial applications are received, causing us to go back and forth with the applicant multiple times. Every mishap causes a delay, and these delays add up to a lot of costly time for both the renter and the landlord. Intellirent is a game-changer. Coupled with our hands-on, personalized approach, it’s a win-win for all."

Lindsay Victory The Rental Girl

Discover how to save time & money while filling vacancies with qualified renters using Renter SmartMatch™.

Explore Intellirent's Leasing Tools