Communication is the cornerstone of any great relationship, and while that truth falls under the umbrella of Captain Obvious, as a busy leasing agent, it is far too easy to dismiss that mantra. Here's another whack from the obvious stick ... Time is money. Now that is one phrase you are unlikely to forget since your very business and livelihood depends upon effective time management.

The trick is how to merge these two cliches since at first glance they are at odds with one another. After all, how can you take the time to communicate with renters often enough, and effectively enough, to develop the necessary trust to build a true relationship? All the while still having the time to juggle the many other aspects of your job? Easy. Sign up with Intellirent and let years of experience, research, and know-how be the channel you need to not only communicate with renters, but also maximize your time and profitability.
Intellirent's powerful array of software products are helpful enough individually, but used together they can revolutionize your leasing business.
Marketing -- Sometimes it feels like there are more websites than available properties. Knowing which ones have enough traffic to truly make it worth your while to list is challenging enough, but even if you already have this information, you face the daunting task of inputting your listings across this wide spectrum. Intellirent will save you time and frustration by easily listing all of your offerings on the most popular websites in one fell swoop.
Screening -- A bad renter can cost you even more money than a vacancy. So why spend unnecessary time compiling multiple reports when you can quickly use Intellirent to scan credit, criminal, and prior eviction data hassle free? Screen potential renters with ease and confidence.
Application Management -- The competition for quality renters can be fierce. Don't lose potential income with a haphazard application process. Intellirent software keeps the application process organized in one place, insuring you qualify renters faster than your competitors.
With both desktop and mobile applications, leasing agents truly have everything they need with Intellirent. Communicate with tenants before and after that contract is signed. One property or hundreds. Increase your ROI by increasing your efficiency. Time is money and you don't need Captain Obvious to communicate that fact to you, so what are you waiting for? Join the growing number of leasing agents who use Intellirent before it becomes obvious you've fallen behind the competition.